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Please read through the Rules & Terms before you submit your entry to PFF.

Entries with content defined by this article may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Organisers, Judging Panel, or a supervisory body.

This list overlaps with most recommendations and/or restrictions from various other authorities (such as the MPAA2); thus the Organisers strongly advise all applicants to adhere to standards that are in place around the world and consult our team if clarification is needed.

Entry Fee cannot be refund.
Anchor 1
General Requirements

1. Excessive use of profanity

1.1. Including profanity targeted at specific groups of people (e.g. by religion, gender, gender identity, race, national origin, sexual orientation)

1.2. Including strong language that viewers may find suggestive

2. Excessive demonstration of violence, homicide, aggravated battery

3. Excessive demonstration of blood

4. Excessive demonstration of firearms or other forms of weapons

5. Demonstration of any aspect related to wars or active military engagement (unless used strictly in a historical context and provided it does not in any way violate other points in this list)

6. Any demonstration of licentious nudity in any form

7. Any demonstration of controlled substances in any form

8. Any demonstration of a cast member consuming real alcohol and tobacco products

9. Purposefully included offensive messages and contextual references to specific groups of people (e.g. by religion, gender, gender identity, race, national origin, sexual orientation)

Submission Requirements
1. Maximum duration of films across all categories is 20:00 minutes.

2. All films must be submitted as a digital file with the following minimum quality requirements.

2.1. Video: 720p (HD) resolution
2.2. Audio: 128 kbps bitrate, mono

4. The film may have other cast members and support staff of any age, without restriction.

5. Submissions in languages other than English must have English subtitles.

6. The file format of the entry must be either of the following: MP4, MPEG-4, AVI, AVCHD, M4V, MOV.
*3. The director and main actors of the film must be current middle or high school students and not be older than 18.*
3.1. For Live-Action / Narratives: actors playing the role of the protagonist and the antagonist must be under 18.*
3.2. For Documentaries and Public Service Announcements: the main speaker must be under 18.*
3.3. For Music Videos: the main singer(s) (appearing in most scenes) must be under 18.*
Anchor 2
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